Wednesday, 13 May 2009

We ain’t got no SMART requirements

As a manager I write objectives for people in my team and I’m told these objectives have to be SMART; that’s Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timebound. And, as a manager, I have people within my team complaining about a lack of quality requirements across projects – they lack clarity, they don’t detail expectations, they’re ambiguous etc. So why don’t people write SMART requirements?

Requirements should be specific because an ambiguous requirement isn’t going to be a testable requirement and the more open to interpretation a requirement is the poorer it is. More importantly, your interpretation of a requirement may be an incorrect interpretation and that means you could end up testing and providing information which is of no value to your project team.

Requirements should be measurable, and by measurable I mean testable. If you can’t measure whether the requirement’s been met, or whether it performs as expected, it’s not testable.

Requirements should be achievable. Ok, there is scope for highly desirable requirements which may make it in to the product if time allows (ever seen that happen?!) but this should serve as a warning. Does it sound achievable to you? If it doesn’t you probably want to question it before you spend time designing tests for it…

Requirements should be realistic. Well, yes, but sometimes we don’t know until we try to implement a requirement that we can’t actually implement it in the given timescale, or because of timescales, and therefore it’s not realistic. But again, if it doesn’t sound realistic it should probably be questioned before you start spending time designing those tests.

Requirements should be timebound. Think performance. “Requirement 1: Function A must do Y in N seconds” Is that realistic? What if it doesn’t? Would we still release if it took an extra 10 seconds, 30 seconds or 10 minutes? How good are your performance requirements?

The SMART method of reviewing requirements has it’s flaws but it does highlight the need for good requirements. You might use SMART as a guide to review requirements as it’ll raise some questions for you to ask or another method might be to try and write early high level test cases against requirements as a way of teasing out ambiguity or a lack of testability. Whatever your method, it’s key that we understand product requirements and more importantly, it’s key we ensure our understanding is aligned with that of the project team.


vague.raz said...

Hello ,,,

I do like ur articles & they are informative indeed ,,

I want to be a proffional QA tester , I'm a tester for 2 years ,, and i'm planning to take CSTE if God want ....

what should i do more ????

Thanks :)

vague.raz said...

Hello ,,,

I do like ur articles & they are informative indeed ,,

I want to be a proffional QA tester , I'm a tester for 2 years ,, and i'm planning to take CSTE if God want ....

what should i do more ????

Thanks :)